Centralia Communications

Centralia Communications

On an average year, Centralia Communications answers and dispatches approximately 8,100 police, fire and EMS related calls for service.

Communications does not stop at just answering emergency or non-emergency related calls for service. After hours and during holidays, Centralia Communications answers calls for four other city departments, they are as follows; Centralia Parks Department, Centralia Power and Light, Centralia Street Department and Centralia Water Department. For many years, the lobby of the Centralia Police Department has remained open, even during after hours and holidays and it will continue to be. When any circumstance arises, we are here to respond to your needs. On top of all other responsibilities, these walk-ins are handled by your dispatchers.

Like other members of emergency services, your dispatchers are working long hours, weekends, nights and holidays to continuously provide for the citizens of Centralia, Missouri.